
survey & settlement

  1. Headquarters at ‘Survey House’, Chepauk, Chennai.
  2. Four Regional Survey offices at Chennai, Tiruchirapally, Coimbatore and Madurai.
  3. Central Survey Office at Chennai, District Survey Offices in all Districts.
  4. Total strength of the Department is 8417 [includes Field, Ministerial & Technical wings].
Central Survey Office
  1. The Joint Director is placed in-charge of the Central Survey Office and he is responsible for the proper working, good order and maintenance of discipline in the Central Survey Office.
  2. The further processes in the records prepared in District Survey Units like finaling, printing and publication of the Village maps, compilation and publication of Taluk, District, Town, composite maps and other special kinds of maps are done in the Central Survey Office besides preservation of the original records prepared in all the Units.
  3. Periodical revision and reprinting of village, Taluk and District maps, Town maps and Panchayat maps, Road maps etc.,
  4. Stocking the Street Survey records, Town Survey records, Land Complaint files, outline maps of the Districts and States and accounting for the same. Obtaining original survey records from the Office of the Tamil Nadu Archives, Madras, supplying them to the Officers undertaking resurvey operations, etc., and getting them back after necessary action for return to the Tamil Nadu Archives.
  5. Preparing the original colour guides for the Taluk and District Touring Maps and State maps for periodical revision and proving the same before final print.
  6. Preparing extra departmental maps required by other departments [such as Engineering scheme maps, Police charts and Election maps, etc.,] on any scale and in any colour as desired by the indentors.
Functions and Responsibilities
  1. Various types of Surveys, viz. Initial Survey & Re-surveys, Natham land Survey, Town Survey, Hill Survey etc conducted by this department
  2. Measurement work in Taluk Office relates to New Sub-division for patta transfer, Fast Track Patta & AMMA THITTAM SCHEME Measurement work. Splitting of Joint Pattas, House site patta, Land Assignment work, Govt. Land Acquisition work for State Govt, Central Govt and other Govt. undertakings Dept., Govt land alienation work. Identifying & measuring encroachments on Govt. land, maintenance of survey stones, pointing out field boundaries, measurement of interstate boundary work, survey work relates to settlement process.
  3. Preparation of FMBs, Village maps, Taluk, District and State maps, updation of land records with reference to the changes in ownership.
Digitization of FMB’s

Under the computerization of land records programme, the digitization of FMBs commenced on 01.09.2005 as a pilot project in nagapattinam taluk using ‘COLLABLAND’ software developed by National Informatics Centre of Ministry of IT & Communications, Govt. of India.

The intention of the digitization to furnish copy of FMBs with computerized land extract i.e sketch along with the chitta extract to the land holder. After the completion of digitization of FMBs in all villages, only the computerized extracts [i.e. digitized FMBs] will be used in all office routine since the issue of manual records will be banned. In this connection necessary arrangements have been made to create public awareness in usage of computerized extracts of land records.


The “Commissioner of Land Revenue and Settlement” Chennai is the Administrative Head of Survey & Land Records Department in Tamil Nadu and “The Joint Director of Survey & Land Records” Central Survey Office, Chennai is the Technical Head of this Department.


The “Assistant Director of Survey and Land Records” is incharge of all items of Regular Survey including the Mobile and Adhoc item of work and also the maintenance of Land Records in the District.He will perform is duties and responsibilities in his capacity has Personal Assistant to Collector in all item of Survey Work and Maintenance of Land Records in the District.The chief duty of Assistant Director of Survey & Land Records is to see that the provisions of the Tamil Nadu Survey & Boundaries Act 1923 are compiled with strictly and he should pay particular attention to the registry and disposal of all complaints and appeals preferred under section 11 of the “Tamil Nadu Survey & Boundaries Act 1923” The following staffs are working under the control of Assistant Director of Survey and Land Records to assist his regular duties.


The office technical wing consists of Head Draughtsman, Senior Draughtsman, and Draughtsman is functioning under the supervision of Manager Technical who is in charge of computation drawing and other office technical work related to Survey & Land Records

The following Salable maps are available for sale with cost quoted as indicated below:

District Map Colour 189
District Map Out Line 51
District Map [Tourist Guide English] 27
District Map [Tourist Guide Tamil] 27
Taluk Map Colour 357
Taluk Map Out Line 51
Road Map English Colour 96
Road Map Tamil Colour 96
Town Colour Map 69
Town Map Black & White 27

Administrative wing is functioning under the supervision of Superintendent with the following staffs.

  1. Assistant
  2. Junior Assistant
  3. Steno Typist
  4. Typist
  5. Record Clerk

Superintendent in the Ministerial Service will be in the immediate charge of the survey unit office and assist the Assistant Director of Survey & Land Records. He is responsible for the order and discipline of the office for the functual submission of returns and for the prompt and careful dispatch of Business

rti authorities matrix
title Name & Designation Jurisdiction Appellate Authority
Public Information Officer Superintendent
District Survey Unit,
For Providing information related to service matter Assistant Director of Survey and Land Records, Nagapattinam
Assistant Public Information Officer Manager [Technical]
District Survey Unit, Nagapattinam
For Providing information related to survey matter
Assistant Public Information Officer Inspector of Survey
Divisional Inspector of Survey,
For Providing information related to survey matter
Division level

The Inspector of Survey is in charge of Revenue Division and may have charge of a boundary demarcation and traverse survey section or a field demarcation and field measurement sections.He see that his subordinates do a fare amount of work and that the work is of good quality and to watch the stone supply.

Taluk level

The Deputy Inspector of Survey will be employed chiefly on any of the following duties in taluk

        1. Boundary Demarcation, Travers Survey
        2. Disposal of Land Complaints
        3. Charge of Survey section of the Taluk Office
        4. Finalling of maps and other records in the Head Quarter’s office

    The following registers to be maintained by him

      1. Village war register of progress of work
      2. Register of Village Boundary disputes
      3. Register of Field Boundary disputes

He is Mainly responsible for the perfect maintenance of land records in the Taluk both in Field and Office and he will be assisting the Tahsildar in Technical matters relating to survey and land records. The Taluk Sub inspector of Survey will be employed on Traverse survey and Field Demarcation and Field measurement.He should arrange and attend field inspection of Tahsildar and above level offices. His main duties are:

      1. Inspection of GT Station
      2. Appeal against field work relating to formation of ridges according to documents and appeal against ‘F’ Lines and Sub-Divisions attended by Firka Surveyor
      3. Preparation of Preliminary Enquiry reports relating to land complaints
      4. Maintenance of Survey Advance Accounts, Stone Depot register, Equipments register

The Firka Surveyor will be employed on Boundary Demarcation, Traverse survey, Field Demarcation of Field measurement. Whenever petition received from Ryots sought for Transfer of Patta involving or not involving Sub-Division or to show boundaries, he will be measured the field and submit the report with necessary records.He also inspects survey stones periodically. The Taluk Senior Draughtsman wills superwise the scrutiny work of land records. He will prepare special maps and other maps and maintained accounts relating to sales of map.He will also be incorporated changes in the accounts due to civil court degree and land Azuquisition cases. The following registers are to be maintained by him

      1. A – Register
      2. Village map in Taluk office
      3. Survey error register

The Land Records Draughtsman will do preparation of extract, Scrutiny of Sub-Division records and Area Computation. He also incorporates the changes in Taluk records, simple transfer cases in duplicate Chitta with attestation of Deputy Tahsildar The following registers are to be maintained by him

    1. Scrutiny register of Sub-Division
    2. Personal register with connected registers and Stock files
    3. Copy Application register
    4. ‘F’ Line register
    5. 6[1] and 6[2] register
  1. Survey Records [i.e] ‘ A ’ Register, 10[1] and Chitta has been fully computerized under this programme
  2. The Touch Screen Computer Kiosk has been installed in Cuddalore, Chidambaram and Viruthachalam Taluk offices for viewing survey records details by paying Rs.2/-
  3. Computerised extracts will be issued to public for which they required by paying Rs.20/-


custodian of survey Records

The distribution and storage of district survey records are as per the following matrix

home of Documents
Serial Documents office
1 Settlement Tehsildar’s Orders under MI Act District Survey Record Room
District Collectorate
2 INAM Fair Register Extract District Survey Record Room
District Collectorate
3 Before UDR District Survey Record Room
District Collectorate
4 UDR Tehsildar
Taluk offices of Concerned Taluks of Nagapattinam District
5 Natham [Old Records] Central survey office
Chennai 600 005
6 Natham Reocords Tehsildar
Taluk offices of Concerned Taluks of Nagapattinam District
7 Natham – Settlement Records District Survey Record Room
District Collectorate
8 Records Before Town Survey Commissioner,
Municipal Office
Nagapattinam District
9 Town Survey Commissioner,
Municipal Office
Nagapattinam District
10 Town Survey [Old Records] Central survey office
Chennai 600 005