- In March /April months of every academic year 10th and 12th public examinations will be conducted
- Special Supplementary examinations are being conducted for those who have failed in three subjects and the passed candidates among them are admitted in the same academic year
- Examinations will be conducted for those who have failed in more than three subjects also in the month of 0ctober
- Xerox copies of the answer papers will be issued to those who have applied for after remitting the requisite fee. They are allowed to apply for retotalling and revaluation
- If the original certificate is lost a duplicate copy of the certificate will be issued based on the production of certificate issued by the concerned Taluk Tahsildars to the effect that the certificate has been lost beyond all scope of recovery along with requisite fee for getting the duplicate copy
Education For Universal Elementary Education Developments So Far
- Cabinet approval on 16 November 2000
- National Mission constituted on 3rd january 2001
- SSA Framework for implementation approved and circulated for action
- PPA funds sanctioned for 294 non – DPEP districts and 54 district in 30 States / UTs
- Annual Plan 2001-2002 approved for 223 non-DPEP districts and 218 DPEP districts in 21 States
What A District Plan Should Include
- Survey of available school facilities
- Survey of 0-6age & 6-14age – group population with projections till 2010
- Relocation of teacher units, and after rationalization arriving at requirement of teachers
- Training requirements and steps to fulfill these
- Other requirements like school facilities TLMS, etc
- Civil work plan
- Strategy to tackle marginal groups
- Effective Community participation – VECs, etc
- Convergence
District Plans – Appraisal
- Plans will be appraised by National / State level missions
- Things to be assessed in appraisal
- Level of mobilization and community participation
- Identification of problem areas
- Sanctity of data relied on for planning
- Interventions suggested for various components Convergence
- Norms to be followed as given in SSA/State – specific norms Monitoring
- Community – based monitoring with full transparency
- Statement of expenditure in each school to be public document
- Joint review by Government of India and the State Government
- 2 Supervision missions in a year
- Detailed monitoring guidelines and reporting format already communicated to states
- Concept of nodal officers for weaker districts
Quality Issues
- Decentralized curriculum development – district level
- Focus on good quality books
- Use of local dialects
- Primacy to cultural activity/sports/art, etc
- Content- based and motivational teacher training
- Child to child learning
- Resource groups at State/district/Sub-District level
- Increasing role of DIETs/BRCs/CRCs
SSA [sarva siksha abhiyan]
As A Framework And As A Programme
- FRAMEWORK – Reflecting all investments in elementary education in a district Government and non-Government
- PROGRAMME – Additional resource provision for UEE under a Separate Budget head
Main Features
- Institutional reforms in Centers and States – to improve efficiency of delivery system
- Sustainable financing – long term partnership between centre and States
- Community Ownership – VEC, PRIs, Women groups
- Capacity building – NCERT / NIEPA / NCTE / SCERT / SIEMAT / DIET to have a major role
- Community – based monitoring with transparency
- Focus on girls and other special groups
- District pre-project phase
- Thrust on quality
- Central role of teachers – Focus on their development needs through BRCs / CRCs
- Habitation as a unit of planning
- District Elementary Education plans
Financial Details
- Sharing between centre and state
- 85:15 in IX plan, 75:25 in X plan and 50:50 thereafter
- State Government to maintain their investment at 1999 – 20000 level SSA share will be above this
- All present schemes, except MDM scheme and Externally aided prorammes, will converge after IX plan
- District Plan would show funds under various components like PMGY, JGSY, PMRY, MP?MLA funds etc
- All legal agreements related to Externally Aided funds would continue to apply
Focus In Preparatory Phase Of Ssa
- Micro planning, school mapping, household surveys
- Community mobilization, school-based activities.
- Establishing information system with provision for computers, office equipment.
- Training and orientation of community leaders, PRIs, etc
- Baseline diagnostic studies
Activities And Norms Under Ssa
- One teacher for 40 children; at lease two in a primary one for every class room in Upper Primary
New schools
- Primary, a school within one Kilometer of every habitation
- One UP school for two PSs, provided enough number of students are there.
- Classroom – A room for every teacher / grade, in Up a separate room for HM
- Free textbooks – to all SC, ST girls up to upper primary, provided State does not gives it already
Civil works
- 33% limit on expenditure on civil works
- Rs.5000 per year school for repair and maintenance by the community
- TLE for primary at Rs. 1000/- for upper primary at Rs. 50,000/-
- Rs.2000 school grant, Rs.500 teacher grant for primary and upper primary
Teacher Training
- 20day’s in-service, 60day refresher for untrained teachers and 30day orientation for newly-recruited teachers.
- Setting up of SIEMAT-one time Rs.3 crores grant
- Training of community leaders
- Rs.1200 per disabled child
- Rs.125 lakhs for any innovative activity for girls, SC/ST, ECCPE, Computer education up to Rs. 50 lakhs in a district
- 6% limit on management cost
- Rs.1500 per school for monitoring, supervision, research and evaluation
- Provision for BRC/CRC – civil works and deployment of coordinator
- interventions for out-of-school children-as per norms already approved under the EGS & AIE scheme
Training Programme
Quality improvement is one of the major objective of SSA. Many of the schools have multi grade teaching situation i.e., single teacher has to handle more tha one classes. The teacher are given following types of training to improve their teacher skills in such situations.
- To teaching more than one subjects
- Refresh cum Booster course
- English training to teacher handling 3,4 and 5 standards
- Training an Activity Based joyful teaching methodology
- Training to newly appointed teachers.
- Training to teachers who handled SC/ST special coaching classes
- Preparation of Teaching Learning material
Continuing Education
Policy Initiative
The Scheme of continuing Education (CE) was launched in 1995 as a fully funded centrally sponsored scheme. The scheme initially envisaged 100 percent assistance to the states for the first three years of implementation. The state governments were required to share 50 percent of the expenditure during the 4th and 5th years of the project and thereafter take over total responsibility for the programme. The programme was to be taken up after the conclusion of the total / post literacy campaign in a district with the objective of providing life-long learning facilities. The basic unit of the scheme was the continuing education centre (CEC) with a nodal continuing education centre (NCEC) overseeing the working of a cluster of CECS.
The Concept
The matrix of programes that constitute the Scheme of Continuing Education, is both a stage in the educational journey a learner and progression towards the ideal state of a society. It constitutes a milestone in educational attainment because a non-literate person passes through the phases of basic literacy and post literacy and develops a strong demand for further learning inputs. It is also and ideal state because ultimately, what all of u s seek, is a social environment in which knowledge and information are important determinants of human development.
College Education
The ‘Android Mobile App’ for the ‘Students Corner of O/o CoE,AU-Chennai’ has attracted nearly 80 Lakhs of hits from various models of Android Mobile devices. As a value addition, now the “Mobility Platform Services Division, NIC TNSC-Chennai” has designed and hosted a WebApp (for all types of Mobile Devices like Tab, Phone etc.) for this ‘Students Corner’ as http://sdpdr.nic.in/annauniv (based on HTML 5, CSS3 and RWD technologies). This needs just a compatible browser from any mobile devices and no need to install any APP. All the options available in the ‘Andriod MobileApp’ are available in this ‘WebApp’ also. This WebApp works fine with any Mobile Device OS (like Android, iOS, Windows etc) and in any type of mobile devices (like Mobile Phones, Tabs etc.). It has been tested successfully with the latest versions of the standard browsers like Opera Mini, Chrome, FireFox and IE from the mobile devices and with IE, FireFox and Chrome from the Desktop devices. Please visit http://coe1.annauniv.edu for more details about this WebApp and send your valuable feedback to us. This information may be shared with the AU Students (UG, PG and PhD – regular and distance education) and the parents community.