
Animal Husbandry


    Animal Husbandry and Agriculture are the twin occupations, which from time memorial have played a significant role in improving the rural economy. Livestock sector is directly linked to the livelihoods of more than 70% of rural households. Cattle wealth is still considered as an index of wealth among rural community. Livestock rearing provides meaningful occupation both full time and subsidiary at the location itself and provides assured income and ensures better utilization of human resources. It provides employment especially self employment to a substantial number of rural and urban population, many of whom are women who play a major role in the care and management of livestock. Moreover, they provide the much needed balanced nutritious animal protein in the form of milk, meat and egg and improve the house hold’s food security and also contribute in improving the national nutritional standards. Apart from that, livestock also provides raw Husbandry contributes significantly in supplementing the income of small farmers, marginal farmers and landless labourers. Livestock is not only important source of income to the rural poor but also heaps them sustain livelihood in times of drought and famine. The hidden potential growth needs to be explored which ensures better quality of life to the rural farmer and envisages the rural economy. Thus, Animal Husbandry can act as a powerful instrument for the comprehensive socio-economic transformation of rural people and trigger the economy. Livestock Development Plays an important role in Nagapattinam next to Agriculture.

    Apart from that, livestock also provides raw materials in the form of blood, bones, offal, skin, hide, hoof, horns, bristles and hair to many nonfarm industries like pharmaceutical, leather and byproducts industry. Bullocks that are mainly used for draught power also provide bio-friendly organic manure and boost soil fertility. Animal Husbandry will be a lucrative occupation for alleviating poverty, unemployment and rural transformation besides reducing the migration of human population to urban areas from rural areas.

    The Animal Husbandry Department of Tamil Nadu has been engaging itself on all the Livestock development and health cover activities, positively influencing the economy of the poor and downtrodden who are dependants on livestock rearing for their livelihood.

The setup

    One Regional Joint Director of AH Monitors the entire AH activities in Nagapattinam District. The Joint Director of AH is assisted in the field with two Asst. Director of AH who is having jurisdiction over both the districts. Each manned by one Vetinary Asst. Surgeon, one Livestock Inspector and Two animal Husbandry Assistant.In addition to that there are 51 Veterinary Sub Centers to give first aid and Artificial Insemination. Works manned by one Livestock Inspector. There are two Clinician Centers, 3 Vetinary . Hospitals in this District. Each manned by one Clinician, one Vetinary Asst. Surgeon, one Senior Vetinary Livestock Supervisor, three Animal Husbandry Asst., and one vetinary . Surgon, one Livestock Inspector, Two Animal Husbandry Asst.,There are

  • Veterinary Dispensaries
  • Mobile Veterinary Units
  • Dist. Rinderpest Squad

    This Department was started in 1892 as Civil Veterinary Department to provide various aids to the needy farmers, and then renamed as Animal Husbandry Department in 1948. Animal Husbandry Department is headed by Director of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, Chennai- 6.


  1. Enhances the production potentialities of livestock and Poultry and thus increasing the milk production, meat and wool
  2. Providing necessary and timely modern veterinary assistances and health cover to the livestock and poultry
  3. Implementing various central and state government schemes for the rural poor upliftment
  4. Providing information and training on basic and latest animal husbandry practices
  5. Protecting human health by preventing major zoonotic diseases of animals
  6. Disseminating latest technical knowhow to the livestock owners through extension activities