A Coastal District of Tamil Nadu, on the eastern coast, Bay of Bengal, 326 K.M, south of the State Capital, Chennai, 145 K.M from Trichy, A middle Town. The District Capital Nagapattinam lies between Northern Latitude 10.7906 degrees and 79.8428 Degrees Eastern Longitude. A District known for its Rich Religious Heritage and Communal Harmony. Nagapattinam district was carved out by bifurcating the Erstwhile composite Thanjavur district on 18.10.1991. Nagapattinam is a unique District with all its historical and cultural significance. This Houses the places of Worship belongs to Major faiths. Nagapattinam is one of the constituents of chola mandalam, acclaimed as the Most prominent among the ancient Tamil Kingdoms. Its salient features more than anything else have contributed to the glory of the cholamandalam.
Agriculture, One of the major economies of the District, contributes a higher share of Rice Production in the State. We have raised so many important agricultural crop in our District. Rice, Groundnut, Pulses, Gingelly, Sugarcane and Cotton.
Fishing along with Para marine activities like Dry fish ,Prawn farming constitues the second Major economy for the district. The marine ecosystem provides mankind with food, medicines, industrial products and pleasure. Inland Fishing too contributes.